it was very hard to give the home i live in a make over. then i saw the picture of Maximilian Sinsteden's dorm room in the apartment therapy - my all time fav blog. then i thought maybe i could turn my office into a dorm so it would become my second home.. and do whatever makeover i like (assuming my boss won't bother) hurmmmm yes yes!! When my office has the cormfy couch, i can sleep sleep.. briliant!!

brilliant idea! Boleh implement kerr? Best betull. Kalau Japs company jangan harapp... sikit sikit 5S, 5S and 5s....... moralnya officemu tetap takkan menjadi rumah ke-2 mu..hua hua hua!
sam..jgn tido opis smpi tk blk rmh sudaa..=p
p/s: tk sbanye nk buat tour kt rmh sam..nak masuk bilik 1 per 1..master bedroom, bedrooms, gam rrom dsbg..hehe..bleh ka?;)
oops, gam room plak..tu dh slh maksud dah tuh..game room daa..hahaha..blh tumpang main pool..;p
huhu kak ijan, sib baik sy keje gomen hehe..
jaja.. alamak!! game room penuh dgn kotak2 lagi.. tensennyer!!!!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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