Thursday, September 03, 2009

House renovation almost completed

The house renovation is almost completed.. can't wait to put on the light fixtures and receive new stools for the kitchen bar..and refurnishing the living room this Sunday!!! yeayyy

Living room in white+platinum

All the doors in the house are now in white

The kitchen bar with light cyan wall; without light fixtures (view from dining room)..

Dry kitchen with new solid surface

Solid surface sink with new faucet


*∽ IZAN ∽* said...

woww..!! cantekk cantekkk.. suker kaler putihhh nampak bersihhhh jekkkk.. anyway salam ramadhann.. seronoknyer raya tahun ni kat umah baru! huhuhuh

Samcun said...

thanks k ijan.. salam ramadahn to you too..white is my fav color hihihi
walaupun susah nak menjaga.. suka jugak.
barulah kita tau bersih tak bersih ye tak :P

sarahaiman@iowa said...

wah sammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..keles rmh baru!!!!tk sabanye nk bertandang ke rmh sam..nk lepak di dry kitchen yg huge itu dan baring2 ats cushion yg dijahit sendiri itu..yeppie!!!(haha..hover!)=p

slmt memaintain dan menyental rmh ye sam n fakhrul!;)

p/s: psl mslh sam tu, nnti abg.fazli respond ye sbb dia br je habis prelim smlm..