is just another unimportant page to keep me off of things
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Fakhrul's Lamb Ribs
This is one of my favorite guilty pleasures because it's prepared by dearie hubby and oh it feels so good as you scrape every bit of meat off of the ribs bone.. nyummm!! The lamb was always his idea so he couldn't really complain about my belly fat, that's the best part hehe. I'm not sure where he got the recipe but I couldn't agree more this must came from an expert (though he said it was originally his.. hmmm). He simply rubbed some oyster sauce, and McCormick Montreal steak seasoning on the lamb ribs and let them set for a couple hours. Then the ribs were grilled in the oven for about 30 minutes at 450 degree F. Pretty impresive on how easy it was; plus he made this all the time, probably that's what makes him claimed he's an expert :P Tenderlicious!What's left on our dinner plate.
aku sgt terliur tgk ribs tu sampaikan terus gi kedai india muslim beli ribs..hehehe! tapinya aku pakai sos BBQ tesco jelaa, malas nak gi kedai carik mccormick, takut takde je.. =D
p.s.: we'll be flying to the US this tuesday, singgah NYC for my bro's graduation & then terus gi seattle for a conference. kan best kalau bnyk duit, leh singgah jenjln & visit korang kat mid-west.. =) boleh borong mccormick montreal sekali! =P
eh ye ke? ko ikut fakhrul tak? =D kalo ikut, boleh kita double date! =D aku gi conference AOCS frm 18-21 may..tapinya kitorg extend stay sampai 23rd sbb nak jenjln seattle dulu..flight balik london pagi 23rd..z'di pon ikut skali.. ;)
gulp..(telan liur jela..)
aku sgt terliur tgk ribs tu sampaikan terus gi kedai india muslim beli ribs..hehehe! tapinya aku pakai sos BBQ tesco jelaa, malas nak gi kedai carik mccormick, takut takde je.. =D
p.s.: we'll be flying to the US this tuesday, singgah NYC for my bro's graduation & then terus gi seattle for a conference. kan best kalau bnyk duit, leh singgah jenjln & visit korang kat mid-west.. =) boleh borong mccormick montreal sekali! =P
eli conference apa ye? sbb fakhrul pun akan pegi seatle for ISCAS conference on 21 May
eh ye ke? ko ikut fakhrul tak? =D kalo ikut, boleh kita double date! =D aku gi conference AOCS frm 18-21 may..tapinya kitorg extend stay sampai 23rd sbb nak jenjln seattle dulu..flight balik london pagi 23rd..z'di pon ikut skali.. ;)
aku tak sure lg ikut ke tak.. huhu
mmg nak sgt pegi tp aku keje :(
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